Woods cancels promo visit to Japan

Tiger Woods canceled a planned promotional visit to Japan next month, following the quake-tsunami tragedy, his sponsors Nike said Wednesday.

The trip was to be part of the sport manufacturer's Asian "Make it Matter" tour, promoting golf among young fans, which will still visit China and South Korea, starting April 12.

Woods' visit is just one of several sporting events affected by the tragedy.

Opening day in the Japanese professional baseball leagues has been pushed back until next week because of the effects of this month's earthquake and tsunami.

The league had been slated to start this Friday.

The world figure skating championships, which were to take place in Tokyo, also were canceled.

The 9.0-magnitude quake and monster tsunami left nearly 21,000 dead or missing along Japan's eastern Pacific coast and crippled a nuclear power plant, 155 miles from Tokyo.

Many foreign companies and embassies have relocated their employees to Osaka, almost 250 miles from the capital, as a precaution.