PETA searching for advertiser for new Tiger billboard

Even PETA has found a way to get involved in the Tiger Woods saga.

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is searching for an advertiser for a new billboard they've developed, using Woods' recent troubles to send a message about controlling the pet population.

The billboard reads, "Too much sex can be a bad thing ... for little tigers too. Help keep your cats (and dogs) out of trouble: Always spay or neuter!" and features an image of the world's No. 1 golfer.

A campaigner for the project, Virginia Fort, acknowledged it will be difficult to find an advertiser, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

"It's a fun, tongue-in-cheek approach. We hope these billboard companies will understand," Fort said.

PETA wants the billboard to go up in Windemere, Fla., where Woods resides. Woods has not endorsed the ad, Fort said.

"We're sure Tiger will appreciate our attempt — from a story that's distracted the world and followed Tiger — to turn it into something positive for little tigers," Fort said.

A blog post on PETA's official Web site said the billboard was an effort to take the focus off Woods' personal life and "turn our attention instead to the animals who are dying as a result of their unrestrained sexual activity."

Woods' private life has been in the public eye ever since allegations began to surface of his marital infidelity in November. On Friday, Woods spoke publicly, apologizing for his actions.

Woods' attorney declined to comment to the Sentinel and his agent and spokesman both did not return phone calls from the paper.