Angry Calcavecchia breaks two irons on one hole at Senior PGA

Maybe it was a good thing that Mark Calcavecchia missed the cut at the Senior PGA Championship -- he might not have had enough clubs for the weekend.

During the second round on Friday at French Lick, Indiana, Calcavecchia apparently felt that the tools of his trade were betraying him, because he broke two of them.

After his second shot on the par-5 ninth, from a hillside next to the fairway, the former British Open champion cracked the iron he had just used over his knee. Then, when his third shot -- also from a hillside lie -- ran off the green to the fringe, Calcavecchia slammed another iron into the ground, breaking the shaft.

For all that, he still made par on the hole. However, his 81-77 totals were too high to reach the third round.

H/T Louisville Courier-Journal