USC's fight song rated No. 3 in the nation

Last October, USC's marching band was voted college football's top band.

Apparently that didn't matter when putting together college football's best fight songs.

Mike Huguenin over at had the unenviable task of putting together the top 15 fight songs in all of college football.

These lists are always subjective, as Huguenin points out early on. This list is not based on difficulty (clearly since Michigan's fight song made the list) and much less about chord progressions. According to Huguenin, "these are easily identifiable even if you don't like the school involved."

So, where did USC's "Fight On!" land on the list?


The lowdown according to Huguenin:

"Here's another fight song that was written as part of a contest; it was composed in 1922 by a USC dental student. The USC band wears distinctive uniforms, and when they crank up 'Fight On,' it's quite a sight -- and sound. USC's athletic department website says that during World War II, American forces attacked an island in the Pacific held by the Japanese: "As the Americans stormed the beach," 'Fight On' blared from the deck of one of the transports. The U.S. men let out a tremendous roar and eventually won the island." Hey, nothing the Trojans do on the field can top that." 

Cool background story, sure. But any Trojan fan will probably hate seeing who landed the No. 1 fight song.


Photo Credit: Kirby Lee, USA TODAY Sports