Sneaky bride buries LSU colors in her husband's Alabama wedding cake

Its spring, and you know what that means: It's wedding season. That's especially true in the South where wedding season itself comes to an end much sooner than the rest of the country. As we all know, it's sacrilege to have a fall wedding on a football Saturday in some parts of the country.

Either way love is the air... and so is deception, at least at one wedding.

Check out the picture below. As you can see, we've clearly got an Alabama-themed cake on the table... but if you look closely you'll see that inside, the colors are purple and gold. The same colors that just so happen to be worn by Alabama's biggest rival, LSU.

And according to the tweet below, it looks like it was done intentionally by a Tiger-loving bride to be.

LSU and Alabama might not play for another five months. But clearly the rivalry is already heating up.