Report: Sarkisian's former school reimbursed him for big alcohol bills

According to a report by The Seattle Times, USC head coach Steve Sarkisian was reimbursed for large alcohol bills while serving as the head coach for the University of Washington.

According to the report, Sarkisian was reimbursed a total of $1,023 in 2012 and 2013 for alcohol consumed during multiple California retreats for coaches and their spouses. 

The paper noted that the reimbursement came from a university "discretionary account" and that it was reviewed by officials at the school

Sarkisian was reimbursed from a UW discretionary account, and reviewed by a senior athletic director, athletic department spokesman Carter Henderson said.

“Coaches, staff and administrators occasionally buy food and beverages for large groups and submit receipts for reimbursement of expenses occurred during development-related trips or functions, such as this case,” [athletic department spokesman Carter] Henderson said in a statement emailed to The Seattle Times.

After the end of USC's practice on Thursday, Sarkisian told the media that he was aware of the story. 

"It was something that had to do with coaches, wives and administrators," Sarkisian said, according to Gary Klein of the Los Angeles Times. "As the head coach of a football program, I don’t feel bad for paying for a receipt with people that are there with us. ... There are a lot of things that could get detailed positively out of that and/or negatively, quite honestly, I guess, but the reality of it is I was the head coach and I took the receipt and I don't feel bad about eating dinner and having a good time. There weren't people drinking and driving."

He continued, "It’s unfortunate that that is the focus of the time that was spent because there was a lot of really quality dialogue that took place in that weekend.”

Sarkisian also mentioned that he's aware that other stories could emerge, but that he wasn't worried about it being a distraction for USC. 

"I'm not as concerned about one thing being a distraction, there's a million things it could be," he said, according to Klein. "It's what are we doing every week to make sure we’re focused and detail-oriented so that we can go out and play our best football."

(h/t The Seattle Times and LA Times)