Police hunt Alabama fan over sex prank

New Orleans police are calling on the public to help identify an Alabama fan filmed draping his genitals on the head of a passed-out LSU fan for a vile prank.

The cell phone video of the incident, which took place after the Jan. 9 national title game, went viral over the past week.

The male LSU fan had passed out with his head on a table inside the Krystal Burger eatery in New Orleans. Other Alabama fans taunted him, took pictures with him, and placed food cartons on his head.

A man wearing an Alabama jacket is then seen pulling out his genitals and simulating a sexual act on top of the LSU fan's head.

The New Orleans Police Department's Sex Crimes Unit has failed to see the funny side and is investigating the incident as sexual battery.

An all-points bulletin calls the Alabama fan a "person of interest" in the case.

Alabama had just won the highly anticipated rematch over their SEC rival 21-0 to claim the BCS championship.