Harbaugh getting a kick out of recruiting

Perhaps the biggest difference between coaching in the NFL and college football is recruiting. Some are wired to enjoy it and some are not. 

Put Jim Harbaugh in the former category. 

"I love it, I really do," Michigan's first-year head coach told WJR-AM radio Tuesday. "I hang up the phone, and you talk to families, parents and the youngsters, and you go, 'Man, that is my favorite recruit. That one right there. That might be the best mom I've talked to in years.' An hour later, I might go, 'Well, that might be my favorite recruit.'"

The 51-year-old went on to describe this generation of recruits as "amazing: and "really neat." 

"They're not only bigger, stronger, faster and smarter, but there's something about them, too, that is different. They want to know what they have to do. They want to know what their assignment is. They want to know how it affects the team and the bigger picture, and then how it affects themselves personally." 

So far Harbaugh is finding success on the recruiting trail, thanks in large part to a controversial summer camp tour that took him -- and the Michigan brand -- across the country in June. 

As of Wednesday afternoon, Michigan's 2016 class numbered 21 members and ranked No. 7 nationally. 

(H/T Detroit Free Press)