Florida State president Thrasher responds to Rubio's FSU diss

On Monday, Florida senator and Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, who graduated from the University of Florida and went to law school at Miami, took a shot at Florida State University. While speaking on the KXnO Sports Fanatics radio show on 1460 AM in Iowa, Rubio said, “Look, I don’t have anything against Florida State. I think there has to be a school where people who can’t get into Florida can go to college. And so that’s why we have Florida State.” 

“He’s a nice kid,” FSU president John Thrasher, who served with Rubio in the Florida legislature, said Tuesday. “I’m sure he’s frustrated by his low standing in the polls, which I believe could be a reflection of where he got his education.”

Well played.

Needless to say, Rubio received a ton of backlash from the FSU faithful via Twitter, which lead to the senator to tweet the following message to Semonoles fans on Tuesday morning:

(h/t College Spun)