Florida roster dealing with flu bug ahead of tilt versus Ole Miss

While Tennessee was sick over losing an 11th-straight time against rival Florida, the Gators literally got sick. 

At his Monday press conference, Jim McElwain voiced his displeasure over the current health of his football team. Nine of his players have come down with the flu. Ironically enough, the team was set to receive flu shots on Monday. 

"Probably our biggest problem is the flu bug. We've got about nine guys out today that came in, in fact, [Monday] was our flu bug shot day. Obviously, our timing is impeccable," said McElwain. 

This is a problem Florida will surely address. It could be a case where the ill players in question will be "quarantined" as a means to not infect any other members of the roster. It's something McElwain understands. 

"So we're in a struggle [Monday]. We've got some guys in getting IVs already," said McElwain. "We had a bunch in yesterday and a bunch in today. Obviously, I think this runs its course, but it hurts in preparation. That's OK. It's something we've got to deal with."