BYU workhorse RB Carter focused on finishing marathon career

To Nate Carter, football has never been a sprint, but a marathon, and this week he got closer to a cherished career finish line as a walk-on running back at BYU.

According to reports, Carter, a 26-year-old, 5-foot-9, 181-pound senior halfback, and junior receiver Mitchell Juergens, were awarded the final two available scholarships for 2015. For each, it means immediate tuition, room and board and other perks. Both will begin receiving NCAA-mandated attendance checks worth nearly $5,000 for the school year to help get by.

For Carter, this is a big deal.

Since he began his BYU career, he’s had to work up from the bottom. If he were a miner, his start was in the deepest crag with a dull pick and shovel. Carter had to do scout-team work which is the role of a punching bag for defensive superstars. He’s had to run longer, lift harder, present a rosy attitude, never complain, be loyal, dedicated and committed.

He's been given encouragement but no promises.

It’s the life of a walk-on.

Check out Carter's story in its entirety at the Deseret Morning News.

(h/t Deseret Morning News)