Arkansas Football Fans Ignore Offensive Struggles

With all the defensive woes from the 2016 Arkansas football season, it seems fans forgot about the offensive struggles.

Arkansas football fans have had their mind set on defensive changes for a while now. You don’t have to look too hard to find a reason to see why. Are all of the losses this season on the Robb Smith defense though?

It seems sometimes we forget how this football thing works so let me explain. It is up to the defense to stop the other team from scoring but up to the offense to score more points than the other team. Now although Arkansas can’t stop anyone from scoring obviously, they can’t seem to score themselves either.

I am in the camp that Robb Smith has got to go. I won’t deny or sugarcoat that, but I will say that maybe we haven’t taken a hard look at the offense either. Primarily, we haven’t scrutinized offensive coordinator Dan Enos the same way we have Robb Smith.

Scoring Is Always A Good Thing

Before you say that I am trying to get a “fire Dan Enos” movement going, let me go ahead and say I am absolutely not doing that. I think Dan Enos is great right where he is and can do some real good for Arkansas.

That being said, he does need to be held accountable. It isn’t all the defense’s fault Arkansas gets outscored in the second-half of so many games. Enos is going to have to find a way to get this corrected in the offseason.

His play calling is a bit suspect as well, especially in goalline and short yardage situations. If you don’t know what I mean, look no further than the Texas A&M game where the Hogs couldn’t score from within the 5 to save their life, or at least win the game.

If Enos could get consistent he would be unstoppable. It’s his inconsistencies, however, that have hurt the Razorbacks a lot this past season. Some of that has to do with trusting the players he has to do what he needs. At the same time, some of it has to do with him knowing what his players can do and when to utilize certain guys or play types to get the best results. For instance, maybe spread them out a bit at the goal line and not line up in I-formation every down.

I am sure he will get it going next season and if not well, we’ve seen what happened to Smith after two poor years. We as fans need to remember it’s not all on one side of the ball. Both sides have to do their job in order to find success and that starts with the coaches responsible for each. Woo pig.

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