The Return of Zo, Arizona Basketball guard Allonzo Trier sends message to fans

Arizona fans finally have some positive signs regarding the return of Zo, Arizona Basketball guard Allonzo Trier.

After months of promises from an Arizona Basketball paid subscription media outlet PGU (or Point Guard University) fans had pretty much given up on Zo’s return. The team has hobbled positively collecting mostly wins without Zo, Ray Smith, Talbott Denny and now Parker Jackson-Cartwright now out for seven more weeks with an injury.

Trier’s return was imminent, we were told through social media by PGU. But his suspension has not been lifted. The bit of news we all waited for before each game has been: Would Allonzo come out for warm ups in a jersey or sweats? Game after game, Arizona Daily Stars Basketball guru Bruce Pascoe reported that Zo had indeed shown up in sweats and each game our hopes were dashed.

All the while, Trier has been extremely supportive from the bench! Maybe he got our Zona Zealots pleas for the return of a new version of the Gumby Squad.

    Have the winds changed?

    During Arizona’s game against Grand Canyon University on Wednesday night, yeah the game with the screaming GCU Fan who we know goes by the name of Abbie, ESPN announcers stated numerous times that Allonzo was ‘suspended indefinitely.’

    That was the last we heard on the subject, at least until today. Arizona fans now have two additional sources to rely on for a realistic timeline who spoke out on Thursday: Zo himself and legendary Arizona Basketball Coach Lute Olson.

    Lute doesn’t say definitely but refers to a possible return in this interview:

    Allonzo, separately, went to Instagram to send fans a message. The message wasn’t necessarily meant to be of biblical proportion, but to fans, it just may have been.

    An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

    Fact 1: The second semester starts January 11th. Fact 2: We have to wait. Fact 3: We will know Zo is back when he steps foot on a basketball court before a game in uniform, preferably the new red uniform.

    Fact 2: We have to wait. Fact 3: We will know Zo is back when he steps foot on a basketball court before a game in uniform, preferably the new red uniform.

    Fact 3: We will know Zo is back when he steps foot on a basketball court before a game in uniform, preferably the new red uniform.

    BearDown Zo! WE CANNOT WAIT!

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