Pitino's latest ploy shows what a playa he is

Play on, playa. Play on.

Everyone, of course, missed the point of Coach Rick Pimpino's impromptu news conference Wednesday afternoon.

We, the media, focused on the embattled coach's scolding of the media, silly advice to loyal Louisville fans to turn the channel and ridiculous, shameless use of Ted Kennedy's death to divert attention.

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We, the media, think Slick Rick made a mistake by responding to Karen Sypher's debunked rape allegations that were aired on a Louisville TV and radio station. We, the media, think Trick Rick sprayed gas on a fire that was nearly extinguished.

We, the media, don't know what we're talking about. Despite Pimpino opening his press conference declaring his intentions and the audience he would attempt to sway, we missed the utter brilliance of his performance.

"I'm a little upset," Pitino began. "This is a day I went home to comfort my wife, who obviously, as you would imagine, the last seven months would be having a very difficult time, as her husband was blackmailed during the tournament and extorted for millions of dollars. From that point on, all she's read is all these false allegations."

Hello. Pitino is trying to save his marriage.

When his six-minute rant concluded, tears trickled down my cheeks, I rose from my seat and found myself clapping my hands and mouthing the words, "Play on, playa. Play on" and wanting to listen to Johnnie Taylor's classic "Cheaper To Keep Her."

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You didn't pay but two dollars to bring the little girl home

Now you're about to pay two thousand to leave her alone

You see another woman out there and you want to make a change

She ain't gonna want you 'cause you won't have a damn thing