Fired Hawaii coach Gib Arnold says school owes him $1.4 million


University of Hawaii's former basketball coach is disputing charges leveled against him in an NCAA notice of allegations and says the school owes him more than $1.4 million.

The collegiate sports governing body alleges that Gib Arnold acted unethically and knowingly influenced others to provide false or misleading information regarding violations during his tenure.

Arnold says the $1.4 million UH owes him as termination payment will provide him with the resources to fight the NCAA allegations. Arnold said his contract entitles him to an amount of severance money equal to what he accrued since his contract began on July 1, 2011, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported Wednesday.

He said he will ''most fiercely defend'' himself against two Level I allegations, which is the most severe category.

He was fired on Oct. 28.

Athletic Director Ben Jay declined to comment.

''UH decided they would rather pay me the contract price -- 3-1/2 years' salary and bonuses totaling over $1.4 million -- to terminate me `without cause' and pay nothing,'' Arnold said. ''That decision, made when the athletic department was already millions of dollars in the red, tells you the university did not have confidence that the facts they heard amount to cause for dismissal.''

The university paid Arnold the remainder of his 2014-15 salary in a lump sum of about $346,000.

If the allegations are upheld, Arnold could face a suspension from coaching at NCAA institutions.

He said he will use the mandated 90 days to prepare a defense.